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Animal abuse persuasive essay

Animal abuse persuasive essay

Persuasive Essay About Animal Abuse,Related Topics

WebImagine that you know somebody who has a pet you believe they mistreat to the point of abuse. Write an essay persuading that person that their actions are wrong and WebPersuasive Animal Abuse Essay Words | 5 Pages. Every 10 seconds in America, an animal is abused. That means that every time an hour passes, a total of animals WebJan 28,  · Animal cruelty is a huge issue in America. Animals everyday are beaten, starved, and abandoned. But one of the biggest problems of all is what pet stores are WebNov 21,  · Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Animal Cruelty- Persuasive Essay. Every day in the Australia animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for WebPersuasive Speech About Animal Abuse. Words3 Pages. Animals are being abused everyday and they are not taken into consideration when you see them being ... read more

Body: In the wild, elephants roam for dozens of miles each day in the company of their relatives, up to as many as ten of them. You would too, if you were used to hanging out with all your friends and then suddenly you could no longer speak with them but were shut away in a closet by yourself. Conclusion: A wild elephant is a beautiful and majestic sight, roaming free across the plains or woodlands with their close relatives and offspring. On the contrary, an elephant in a zoo, stressed out of their mind, often on anti-depressants or stoned on tranquilisers, is an awful sight to see. How would you like it if you were on show, far away from home and everything you love?

Next time you visit a zoo, consider it from the perspective of the animal, and avoid contributing to their sad commercial abuse. If you don't know exactly what type of paper you need or can't find the necessary one on the website - don't worry! Contact us and we'll help you out! Before continuing to use our service please make sure you got acquainted with our Cookie Policy and accepted it by clicking OK. My account Order now. Posted: February 03, To: Essay writing. Share: Total shares:. Table of contents: Introduction Body paragraphs Conclusion Writing a persuasive essay about the commercial or domestic abuse of animals can be a difficult and sensitive topic of discussion.

order now Get your assignments completed by our expert writers any topic any due date flexible pricing. Tagged in: animal abuse persuasive essay. Categories Essay samples Infographics Guides Essay writing Study. Recent posts Oral Health Overview Essay: Preventing Tooth Decay in Australia How to Write a Good Expository Essay About Macbeth How to Write An Expository Essay About Love How to Write a Great Expository Essay About Life Writing an Expository Essay About Marijuana. Get a price. Type of service: Academic paper writing. Type of paper : Essay. Pages words. Academic level: High School. The dog fighting effects and harms many ways and many things, especially children, who attends the dog fighting.

It also harms the dog fighter, those dogs whose are forced to fight, many dogs were treated badly with the bad conditions of living. Why there is no stop to dog abuse? Why do people continue to beat these animals people ask, There is no answer, no law stating no animal abuse so no stopping it. These poor precious animals have a soul, and feelings to. If these animals continue to be treated this way they will continue to be aggressive towards people. Dogfighting Have you ever seen a dog, mainly a pitbull, on a heavy chain, with scars all over, and starved looking.

If you have that dog was most likely a victim of dogfighting. Where they are forced to fight for their lives every second of every day. Everyday they must endure rigorous training, such as, being chained up on a treadmill with no way off, bite on hanging objects, injected with steroids or, even have their teeth filed to a point and constantly kept on heavy chains. To prevent dogfighting, the sentencing and fines need to be increased, have a dogfighting registry for the offenders, and implement animal cruelty officers. Have you ever been bit by a dog and thought it was mean? Many facts show that dogs bite in many different scenarios. There are many statements that prove that the dogs should not be executed for biting someone when it could possibly be our fault as a owner.

Worst of all there are times when dogs die of being beaten, whipped and kicked. This can happen when the dog is not going fast enough, or if they are slowing down the pack, the owner would kill them or hurt them so they would go faster. Animal Cruelty Have you ever wondered how much atrocious animal treatments are occurring around the world? The average number of animal abuse cases reported in the media each year is 1, according to a study conducted this year by Statistic Brain Research Institute. Moreover, a lot of animals struggle around the globe because they are often beaten, neglected and hunted, which forces them to fight for survival. Helpless animals continue to be exploited by humans and are still constantly being robbed of their lives. Thus, animal cruelty is the killing, exploiting and neglecting the needs of animals that are causing extinction and nonessential suffering.

There are some places where dog fighting is legal such as Fila Brasileiro, Dogo Argentino, the Tosa Inu and the Presa Canario and much more. If the dog s die in a fight it is known as the biggest disgrace that could happen in a fight. There are many types of dogfighting, such as dog baiting. Dog fights were a common event that also helped to perpetuate the problem for bully breeds. These dogs were bred. Second, their treatment of the dog portrays the intended purpose; such as which people are able to approach the dog, and the amount of time and opportunities that the dog can freely wander without supervision.

Slack, A. Therefore, the owners believe that the dog cannot harm another person because of their control. Pit-Bulls are known as the most dangerous breed of dog in America. People raise bigger dogs to be aggressive because of their size and appearances. Raise your hand if you have ever used a product from any of the following companies. Victorias Secret, Maybelline, Calvin Klein, Axe, Band-aid, Johnson and Johnson, Tide, Febreze. Almost everyone in this room has used a product from one of these enormous companies and brands. So why, what do makeup companies, clothing companies, and cleaning products have in common?

All of these companies are just a fraction of companies that test their products on animals such as mice, rabbits, primates, cats, and dogs. These companies have continued their evil in the dark, in countries with little to no regulation on animal testing. The only way to stop these companies from experimenting on and abusing animals is to show them that they no longer operate in the shadows, but their wrongdoings are on display for the world to see, and that the world does not like what it sees. We must patronize companies with principles, and encourage others to follow. I am just as guilty as everyone in this room, I too have used these products, and it is up to all of us to stand together against these horrific experiments on animals.

According to PETA over , rabbits are experimented on every year, having things like dishwasher soap, drain cleaner, and makeup dripped onto their eyes. So what happens afterward, surely these animals are given. Animal testing using animals in experiments with different chemical substances in everything from medical to cosmetic to determine their safety as well as effectiveness. Our technology has developed significantly since; therefore, such medieval methods of torturing animals are no longer necessary.

OBJECIVE: The objective of this speech is for each listener to be persuaded to consider voting on bills, props, etc that support more punishment for those who abuse animals. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS: Age range is for voters, especially younger voters around the ages of who tend to not vote. The gender break down would be to everyone, but there is probably more men in this audience then women. Education level is high school and a few years of college, plus a few older people who have been in class for a while. Racial and socioeconomic background has no bearing. The overall demographic data tend to indicate that the audience should be neutral rather than hostile to this topic. ATTENTION AROUSAL: Animals in every aspect of life, whether it is as a companion or as a show animal, have been victim to animal abuse or cruelty.

There are several different levels of cruelty that should be punished, but are not. Animals are not able to defend themselves, so why should people not be punished for abusing them? NEED: People need to realize that animals deserve respect as much as any other creature. If a child is being hurt by someone, a person will stand up and say something. The same needs to go for the abuse some animals go through. Most states divide the abuse into either a misdemeanor or a felony charge. fact B. Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines. testimony C.

The dogs often break bones with their powerful jaws. Blood loss, dehydration, shock, exhaustion or infection often kills the dogs after the match has ended. A lot of innocent pets are also stolen and used as bait, these dogs are generally always killed in the process. fact D. People who abused pets as children are much more likely to commit violent crimes against people. stat E. fact F. Dogs, rabbits, rats, mice and even monkeys are used to test safety of common household products, prescription medication and cosmetics. Another common method is to pump the substance into their airways or stomach. Many end up with shocking injuries.

Animal testing is cruel and unnecessary, since alternatives to skin are readily available. fact 3. Lead by example. Make sure that you are helping to teach others about what different animals do. If you inform them on the truth, hopefully it will start a trend and we can stop this type of cruelty. example B. Donating money to organizations and facilities, like the ASPCA, local shelters, World Wildlife Foundation, PETA, etc, would help the authority figures that are acting to stop the cruelty that is happening. example 4. Positive: Standing up for defense less animals, will create a less violent environment for everyone.

It is important for people to understand that animals cannot defend themselves and need us to stand up and speak for them. Negative: If we do not stand up for these animals now, people will become more violent towards people, and animals will begin to die out and disappear. People need to be punished for hurting animals because of the simple fact that animals have feelings no matter the type and we must stand up. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Persuasive Speech on Animal Cruelty. Accessed February 7, The Issues of Gun Violence and Animal Cruelty in America, and How to Solve Them. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper.

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You may also find these documents helpful Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty Research Paper. Animal cruelty and fur farms. Animal Cruelty and Its Prevention. Details of Animal Cruelty. We Will Stand Up Against Animal Cruelty. Animal Cruelty Should be Stopped. Cruelty to Animals or Animal Abuse Essay. Hi, my name is Amy �� In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Get help with your paper. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

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WebPersuasive Speech About Animal Abuse. Words3 Pages. Animals are being abused everyday and they are not taken into consideration when you see them being WebImagine that you know somebody who has a pet you believe they mistreat to the point of abuse. Write an essay persuading that person that their actions are wrong and WebPersuasive Animal Abuse Essay Words | 5 Pages. Every 10 seconds in America, an animal is abused. That means that every time an hour passes, a total of animals WebJan 28,  · Animal cruelty is a huge issue in America. Animals everyday are beaten, starved, and abandoned. But one of the biggest problems of all is what pet stores are WebPersuasive Essay On Animal Abuse Animal cruelty is when someone hurts an animal or does not care for its well-being. For example, depriving animals by not giving them food WebNov 21,  · Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Animal Cruelty- Persuasive Essay. Every day in the Australia animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for ... read more

This essay was written by a fellow student. Animal cruelty is a serious issue in the U. Neglect could be starving them, not giving them medical care, not paying attention to them, etc, etc. Since animals have a failure of speech, they cannot speak for themselves, which means they are helpless to stop being abusively controlled by humans. There are others who believe that putting animals in captivity is beneficial for not only the animal, but for humans as well.

Cruelty to animals is defined as the infliction of physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, beyond what is necessary. Some animals have rashes, some face burns, some have hair loss and some have an allergy. We should also report if we see anybody misbehaving with other animals or people abusing animals physically or mentally. My account Order now. Animal Cruelty Should be Stopped. Animal Shelter Persuasive Essay Words 2 Pages, animal abuse persuasive essay. Scientific research is important animal abuse persuasive essay the growth of the economy, until something has to suffer.

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